The library manages the bibliographic heritage of the area of chemical sciences and related disciplines and offers support to the research and teaching activities carried out by the Department of Chemical Sciences.
Chemical Sciences
The "Cesare Pecile" Chemistry Library is located in the Department of Chemical Sciences, Via Marzolo 1, Padua.
It can be reached either from the city centre or from the station in 10 minutes on foot; alternatively, it is connected by bus lines 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, and 24.
You can reach the library by going up the first flight of stairs on the left of the main entrance and following the signs for the library along the corridor to the second floor.
ABC of Bibliographic Research is an information literacy course on the resources and tools the library provides to its users, structured in three levels from first-year students to PhD students.
SSOScopus is a comprehensive scientific, medical, technical and social science database containing all relevant literature.
SSO Auth-proxyThe Web of Science (WoS, previously known as Web of Knowledge) is a paid-access platform that provides access to multiple databases that provide reference and citation data from academic journals, conference proceedings, and other documents in various academic disciplines.
SSO Auth-proxyReaxys is a web-based tool for the retrieval of information about chemical compounds and data from published literature, including journals and patents. The information includes chemical compounds, chemical reactions, chemical properties, related bibliographic data, substance data with synthesis planning information, as well as experimental procedures from selected journals and patents.
SSO Auth-proxyChemDraw is a molecule editor software.
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is both a repository and a validated and curated resource for the three-dimensional structural data of molecules generally containing at least carbon and hydrogen, comprising a wide range of organic, metal-organic and organometallic molecules.
SpringerMaterials provides curated data and advanced functionalities to support research in materials science, physics, chemistry, engineering, and related fields. Based on Landolt-Börnstein book series.
SSO Auth-proxyThe Amsterdam Modeling Suite is computational chemistry software covering a wide range of tools: DFT for molecules (ADF) & periodic systems (BAND, Quantum ESPRESSO), fast and approximate electronic structure methods (MOPAC, DFTB), a reactive force field (ReaxFF), a continuum fluid thermodynamics module (COSMO-RS), an advanced driver for complex MD and PES tasks (AMS driver), and a Python scripting and workflow tool (PLAMS).
A database containing records of data on metals and alloys: chemical composition, mechanical and physical properties, correspondences between materials of different countries, notes on heat treatment, fatigue, high temperatures, and references to legislation.
SSO Auth-proxyThe antique book collection of a bibliophile scientist.
Collection of wallcharts of the Science Library cluster located at the Library of Geosciences and the Library of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padua.