The library holds an extensive bibliographic collection covering all areas of interest in legal disciplines.
Administrative law; Canon and ecclesiastical law; Civil Procedure law; Constitutional law; Criminal law; International law; Labor law; Philosophy of law; Private law; Roman law; Tax law.
The Central Law Library has several sections.
At Palazzo del Bo, the University's headquarters, in via VIII February 2, there are the sections of:
The International and Community Law section is located in Via Anghinoni, 3 (the section is not accessible for people with disabilities).
From Piazzale della Stazione, Palazzo del Bo can be reached by foot in 20 minutes, or by tram towards the southern terminus, or by bus n. 3, 12, 16 (get off at the Riviera Ponti Romani stop).
For those wishing to reach the Library by car, the city center is a restricted traffic zone.
Bibliographic database of Italian legal journals.
Bibliograhic database of Italian journals on economics, social sciences and history.
HeinOnline Core International Collection is an international collection in the legal and juridical field.
Auth-proxyNexis Uni (formerly Lexis Nexis Academic) is an international database in the field of legal and economic information.
SSOMyDesk24 is the integrated online document system of Il Sole 24 Ore created for the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Auth-proxyThe Italian platform for the human and social sciences of the publishers il Mulino and Carocci.
Auth-proxyJSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.