Holding bibliographic reference collections for teaching and research in the historical sciences.
Medieval, modern and contemporary history; History of christianity; Ancient Christian literature; Paleography; Archival Studies; Librarianship
The Library is located in the historical centre of Padua, in the Duomo area, at Palazzo Luzzato Dina (headquarters of the Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences), Via del Vescovado, 30.
The most important bibliographical history database: bibliographical records and abstracts of journal articles, monographs and theses on historical subjects.
SSO Auth-proxyBibliographic database of published articles in the arts, humanities and social sciences covering a period of over 300 years.
SSO Auth-proxyBrepols publisher website, which provides access to a variety of databases of interest to medievalists: it includes bibliographic databases, full-text sources, encyclopaedias and repertories.