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University Library System
University Library System

Access and spaces


The Library is located on the second floor, and partly on the ground floor, of Palazzo Ca' Borin, in Via del Santo No. 22.

Access to the Library and paper and electronic collections is open to both institutional and guest users with SBA (University Library System) card. There is no need to leave any kind of document at the front desk.

A reservation is required to access reading rooms, computer stations and group study desks. Seats can be booked via the App Affluences or Affluences via the web. Upon your arrival, you need to validate your presence by scanning the QR code available at the front desk.

No reservation is needed to ask for information or borrow or return a book.

During the entire opening hours, the staff on duty at the front desk provides the information needed to make the best use of the library services. Members of the staff can be recognized by identification tags and provide initial guidance to the selection and use of information resources.

For an advanced bibliographic search, see the bibliographic assistance service.



106 study desks, including 6 equipped with computers, are available in the library.

In the front office, you will find;

    • the Geography teaching section (DIDA.GEO)
    • the most recent volumes of Geography (G.000...-G.999...)
    • the Economics teaching section (DIDA.ECO) 
    • the collection “Giorgio Lago”

In the nearby Salone, on the red display racks, you can find the latest issues of Italian and foreign social science journals, arranged in alphabetical order.

Sala Rossa houses the most recent volumes of Economic and Business Sciences, sorted according to the Dewey Decimal Classification.

The red door located in this room provides access to the three desks for group study, to the section with Geography materials (MONOG, ATL, AL, GF) and the librarians' offices: you should always inform the staff before entering. Books placed in the Geography section can be requested only Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

In Sala Informatica you can find some seats and also 6 computer stations, from which electronic resources can be accessed upon authentication.

The repository, accessible from the staircase located in Sala informatica, stores the older books of Economics and the pre-current issues of the Economics and Geography journals (placed in progressive numerical order: EMERO.PER.n° or GEO.PER.n°): access is free.

Most books and journals are open-shelved and freely searchable within the library.

The toilets are on the ground floor, entering from the courtyard.