Bibliographic assistance
Fill in the form for assistance (ITA)
What it is
It is a tailored service of bibliographic assistance that offers:
- bibliographic research advice and support for thesis writing or other types of papers
- assistance in retrieving documents and bibliographic references through scientifically validated sources
What you can ask
You can ask:
- how to use bibliographic search tools;
- how to access to available documents;
- how to cite;
- how to write your bibliography.
You can't ask:
- information about specific services (e.g., library information, loans and reservations, document supply, interlibrary loan, etc.). Please contact the Library directly for these needs;
- information about general questions (e.g., off-campus connection, etc.). Please get in touch with the Helpline of the University Library System.
We do not provide copy documentation (articles, book chapters etc.) and comprehensive bibliographies.
Who is the service for
The service is intended for all:
- students
- teaching staff
- technical-administrative staff
- guest users
Before asking for bibliographic assistance
- Sign up for our workshops and follow the free courses available on Moodle
- View instructional videos (ITA) on bibliographic research available on Mediaspace