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University Library System
University Library System

Computers and Wi-Fi

Computer stations

To use the library computers, log in with institutional credentials (SSO) or +password. The username and password are the same as you use to log into Uniweb.

If you are a guest user with an SBA (University Library System) card, you can request your credentials at the front desk to access all the workstations of the University network.

To protect your privacy, we recommend that you always log out, once you have finished your activity.

All PCs have the LibreOffice package installed.


Wi-Fi (Eduroam)

The Library offers the free Eduroam Wi-Fi network, accessible to institutional users with an or account. This is a globally spread network that allows you to connect to Wi-Fi easily, instantly and securely.

Thanks to the Eduroam Federation, you can use that University's Wi-Fi service via Unipd credentials when you are at another federated University.

If you are a guest user and have already configured your device, use your institution's credentials to connect to the Library's Eduroam Wi-Fi network.