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University Library System
University Library System

Access and spaces

The Mathematics Library is open to everyone.
The library is on the 1st underground level of the Torre Archimede. Entrance is through door A, via the staircase or lift.

The library has 342 seats. There are four rooms: Rossa (Red room), Gialla (Yellow room), Verde (Green room) and Blu (Blue room). The seats in the Yellow Room are reserved for the students and the staff of the Department of Mathematics.

Three Library Pods are available in the Blue room, a place for two to four people to be reserved for group study. One of the Library Pods is reserved for students of the Mathematics Department.
In the same room, there are five individual seats.

Near the entrance there is an accessible seat with a height-adjustable table in the "quiet corner"; the reservation is intended primarily for people with disabilities but can be used by other users in case of special needs.

Blackboards are available on library premises; writing on the windows with special markers is also possible.

The Eduroam Wi-Fi network is available in the library.


Access to consultation and study

A seat reservation is required. Reservation must be made through Affluences.
On arrival at the library, please confirm your presence by entering the current day code in Affluences; the code can be found at the entrance. Please do not sit in a seat other than the one booked.
You can leave the library and keep your seat for no more than 15 minutes. For a longer absence, you have to take your belongings and free the seat.


Evening access

From October to mid-July opening hours are extended until 11 p.m.
After 7 p.m., access to the Torre Archimede is restricted to library users only, and they must have a pre-activated access card.
The card is used to open the door on the portico (EAST side, towards Economic Sciences) and the door of Tower A. To open, place the activated card on the reader outside the two doors.

The access card is:

  • the personal card (badge) for students and the University staff
  • the SBA library card for guest users

The card of the Mathematics Department students is already activated. Other users must apply to activate their card by writing an email to
The request must include name, surname and student ID number ("matricola") or SBA card number; the card will be activated within 2 working days of the request.
The students and the University staff should apply for activation with their institutional address; the students should apply for a new activation when they change their student ID number.

For security reasons, users accessing the library must register their access by placing their card on both readers.
After 7 p.m. it is required to take your card with you, even if you leave the library for a short amount of time.


Library rules

Eating and drinking

Eating inside the library is not permitted; beverages must be in resealable containers.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones must be used without disturbing: switch the phone to silent mode and leave the library to staircase A to make/receive calls.


Scooters may only be carried if they are in their case. They must not obstruct the passage of people, so they must be left close to the walls.