Training courses
The library periodically holds training workshops where librarians provide specific research assistance, help students build effective strategies for the topics they need to analyze and guide them in querying academic databases as well as in using the many services of the University Library System.
The meetings, held primarily online, are aimed primarily at Psychology students and undergraduates, but are open to all.
You can repeat a course, but we ask the courtesy not to register for all editions of the same course at the same time. Cumulative enrollments may be cancelled. For clarification and further information contact the library
The training courses of the Metelli library are held in Italian language.
ABC of research: information literacy and bibliographic research for Psychology
The workshop for skills and competencies in the field of Information Literacy:
- knowing how to use the most appropriate, reliable and up-to-date information and documentary sources
- knowing the most effective techniques to retrieve the data one needs
- knowing how to evaluate and organise information found on the web and in physical and digital libraries.
At the end of the course, you can obtain an Open Badge, i.e. a digital certificate of disciplinary knowledge, personal skills and technical competencies that the student can include in his or her CV.
The workshop is in 3 parts:
- theory on Moodle in free hours
- homework
- classroom workshop which must be registered
Courses on GalileoDiscovery
- GalileoDiscovery search guide
- Search a book
- Search a journal
- Search for an article from a bibliographic citation
- Search bibliographic material
Course on APA PsycInfo database
- Research Methodology and Introduction to University Databases
- Introduction to PsycInfo
- Boolean operators
- Search strategies and examples
- Search result:
- Reading bibliographic records and GalileoGo services
- Saving records
- Saving search strategy
- Bibliographic search on tests
Courses on Zotero bibliographic reference
Zotero is an online software not linked to a specific subject area, all the functions of online bibliography management are shown in each meeting, so it is possible to register for workshops held in different subject areas. We advise users of the School of Psychology to take courses on GalileoDiscovery and Psycinfo in advance. Some oh Zotero training are held in english.
- Monday 10 march 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00 - 12.00, Science
- Tuesday 11 march 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00 - 12.00, Social Science and Law area
- Thursday 13 march 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00 - 12.00, Engeneering
- Thursday 20 march 2025, online on Zoom, 14.00 - 16.00 Mecical Science
- Tuesday 25 march 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00-12.00 Psycology
- Friday 11 april 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00-12.00 Psychology
- Friday 22 april 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00-12.00 Humanities area IN ENGLISH
- Thursday 22 may 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00-12.00 Psychology
- Friday 23 may 2025, online on Zoom, 10.00-12.00 Social Science and Law area IN ENGLISH
For information or questions, please write to