Journals and articles
To find a journal or article you can search on GalileoDiscovery, the main catalogue tool of the University of Padua and Paduan library system or use other tools, like multidisciplinary or subject-specific databases.
See the video tutorials on How to use GalileoDiscovery (ITA).
You can find the databases available for the University Library System in GalileoDiscovery (use the Databases function on the header).
To verify a citation you own, you can use a handy tool, Single Citation Matcher in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed.
How to use Single Citation Matcher
How to access
- Via On-campus connection, because they are purchased by our University
- Via Off-campus connection thanks to the Auth-proxy or Single Sign-On services reserved for institutional users ( and
- Free access. No access formalities are required
Please note that searching with these bibliographic tools can offer a higher guaranteed quality of scientific information, than using common search engines.
How to find a journal
As for a specific article, to find scientific journals, you can use GalileoDiscovery (Journal Search)
Please note that the journal may be available in print, electronic (e-journal) or both formats at the same time, but with different chronological coverage of the holdings.
Access to material
All journals are stored on the shelves in the library's rooms and are available for reference only; they are not allowed for borrowing.
Some of the journals owned from the years before 1990 are stored in the Nuovo Archivio di Legnaro - NAL which is not accessible to the public.
The rules to consult and/or loan this material are detailed on the web page of the Nuovo Archivio di Legnaro.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for
For journals not owned by the library and not available in Padua, library users can turn to the Document Delivery service.
Quick access for those already subscribed to the NILDE service