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University Library System
University Library System

Photographic reproduction

Manuscripts and documents printed before 1900 or in a state of bad conservation cannot be photocopied, but it is possible to request the authorization of photographic reproduction by one's means, in compliance with current copyright protection and conservation regulations.

For works (or parts of works) falling under the legal regime of "public domain", it is possible to request the library to provide a digital copy.

The request must be made by completing and signing the appropriate form and sending it by email to the library at
It is possible to request the supply of a digital copy for personal study and research purposes (form), or for commercial or publishing purposes (form).
In the case of a publication of more than 2000 copies or a cover price of €77.47 or more, and for other types of reproduction, the library may request payment of reproduction rights.

The permission to reproduce by one's means or the provision of a digital copy by the library is always subject to the state of preservation of the requested documents.

The applicant undertakes to comply with the Italian regulations for the protection of copyright (Law 22-04-1941, no. 633 and Law 18-08-2000, no. 248) and any other indications provided by the library regarding the possible uses of the images.