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University Library System
University Library System

Exhibition loan

It is possible to request an exhibition loan of books or other items housed in the Library.


Application procedure

The requesting institution must submit a written application to the library, addressed to the director of the CAB that it will request the appropriate authorisations from the proctor in charge and the Superintendency delegated to protect the property.

The application to the Superintendency must be submitted at least four months before the start of the exhibition; it is therefore necessary to send it in good time to allow the necessary steps to be taken at the University.

The application must be accompanied by the scientific plan of the exhibition, the composition of the scientific committee as well as a facility report specifying

  • the title and type of work requested
  • the period of the loan
  • the exhibition (environmental parameters, light), security and transport conditions of the requested work
  • the commitment to nail-to-nail insurance of the item

The library reserves the right to set as a condition the production, at the applicant's expense, of a copy of the requested items as a substitute for consultation on the premises during the loan period.

In the case of library material subject to notification or requested abroad, the necessary permission will be sought from the relevant Superintendency or Ministry.

Once the necessary permissions have been obtained, transport of the item can be arranged.

Delivery of the item and set-up

Delivery of the object takes place after

  • having collected a copy of the insurance policy from nail to nail
  • having had a delivery report signed, with a copy of the description of the object in the delivery condition, by the person who, appropriately qualified, will physically collect the item.

The packing will be done by the applicant according to the appropriate conservation criteria and under the supervision of the library staff.

The placement and removal of the item from the exhibition must always take place in the presence of a librarian appointed by the library: all costs will be borne by the applicant.

If at the time the item is displayed, the requesting institution does not comply with the Library's requests made in advance, or if the accompanying person does not find the necessary conditions of conservation or safety for the protection of the item, the Library reserves the right to withdraw permission for the loan and to request that the item be returned to the Library immediately.


Loan waiver

Any waiver by the applicant must be made officially to the Director of the Library.

The applicant may request a replacement photographic copy for exhibition and for publication in a catalogue of the item relinquished, after authorisation from the Library.


Exhibition Catalogue

The applicant undertakes to submit two copies of any exhibition catalogue to the Library and to cite the item correctly in the catalogue.