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Mind the Book - Filosofia: maschile singolare. Un problema di genere in filosofia

Is there a philosophical canon? And if so, why has it always excluded female thought? In this "Mind the book" meeting we will discuss it together with Jacopo Ceccon.

published: Mar 13, 2025

Mind the Book is the title of a series of events held at the Philosophy Library.

Each meeting will be dedicated to a particular book and will involve all users who want to present and compare their opinions on the themes present in the work being discussed.

The circle wants to be an opportunity to exchange ideas to be promoted in the library, a place for sharing knowledge, giving books the role of protagonists, revitalizing the spaces to promote and rediscover the library as a place for debate and comparison.

In this meeting, Jacopo Ceccon, a PhD student in Philosophy at our university, presents Filosofia maschile singolare: un problema di genere in filosofia, by Lorenzo Gasparrini.


"Is there a philosophical canon? And if so, why has it always excluded female thought?"


Philosophy: singular masculine investigates, through a feminist lens, the absence of philosophers' reflection on themselves as men and the effects of this lack on philosophical practice. If philosophy has claimed to be the product of a disembodied reason, Lorenzo Gasparrini brings out the philosopher's body in its gender membership as an unthought condition of thought. Imagining oneself outside of any embodied positioning is a dangerous philosophical and political illusion. By universalizing one's own particular, the traditionally white and cisgender male philosopher has ended up making invisible other declinations and interweavings of bodies and experiences, theorizing a false and hypocritical neutrality of concepts. Yet taking responsibility for one's own positioning, material and symbolic, in the body and in the world means giving a more complete and just account of one's condition as a human being.

The Author

Lorenzo Gasparrini (1972) is a feminist philosopher, popularizer and trainer. He leads seminars, workshops, laboratories; He is the author of various essays and articles in magazines. Among his books we remember NO. Del rifiuto e del suo essere un problema maschile (effequ, 2019), Diventare uomini. Relazioni maschili senza oppressioni (Settenove, 2021), Ci scalderemo al fuoco delle vostre code di paglia (D editore, 2023), I ragazzi possono essere femministi? (Settenove, 2023).
Con Edizioni Tlon ha pubblicato Non sono sessista, ma… Il sessismo nel linguaggio contemporaneo (2019) e il contributo “Maschilità tossica” nella raccolta Anche questo è femminismo (2021).

Thought and bibliography

Jacopo Ceccon :

Jacopo Ceccon is a PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Padua under the supervision of Professor Laura Sanò and a member of the international research group “Art and Recognition”. His studies are mainly oriented towards French poststructuralist thought and the possible convergences between philosophy and Lacanian psychoanalysis. He is the author of the essays: Responding to Others, Responding to God. The Value of the Other in Jacques Derrida, «Paradox», 2/2020; Freudian Influences in the Thought of the Early Ricoeur: from the Cartesian Cogito to the “Broken” Cogito, «InCircolo», 12, 2021; Between Economy and Vertical Dissymmetry: the Geometries of a “Difficult” Forgiveness in Paul Ricoeur, «Paradox», 2/2021. He participated in the international conferences “Thoughts in Exile. Judaism and philosophy of the 20th century”, “The data of art: object and relationship”; and held conferences on the theme of friendship and on the theme of otherness, collaborating with cultural associations at a national level.


Mar 19, 2025 from 05:30 to 07:45 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Philosophy Library - University of Padua

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+39 049 8274750

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