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University Library System
University Library System


Most books for your lessons and exams can be found in the “DIDATTICA” Section, which is located in the Library, near the main entrance.
All those books have a coloured sticker on their spine:

Red sticker: books not available for loan

Yellow sticker: loan is granted for one night or the weekend. From Monday to Friday, the book can be borrowed from 5 p.m. to the next morning: you must take the book back by 10 a.m. on the following day. On Fridays, you can borrow the book after 11 a.m. and return it by Monday 10 a.m.

Green sticker: books whose loan period is 15 days, which is also renewable if there are no requests from other users.

If you want to know which books are used in your Academic Course, check the website, look for the course you are interested in, the teachings, and in the area called Syllabus, you will find all the books that are suggested (or requested) for each course unit. If you click on the magnifying lens on the side of the book, you will find out which Library owns the book that you are looking for.

Vallisneri Library usually buys two copies of each book that has been chosen in the course unit of the related discipline.