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University Library System
University Library System

Newspaper archive

The consultation service of the newspaper archive in microfilm version is guaranteed by prior booking at

Italian Newspapers


Microfilm: 1896(December 25th)-1940(May 1st); 1943-1950; 1951-1993.
Online - Biblioteca del Senato [Free Archive]: 1893-1894; 1896-1940; 1943-1993; 2020-2023.
Print Version: Anastatic reprint 1881-1886  - call number: ISS-.U.1  

Corriere della Sera

Microfilms: 1922; 1925-1944; 1946-2002.
Historical archive: since 5/3/1876
Nexis Uni: since 27/01/2009 


Printed version: Current month

Il Fatto Quotidiano

Printed version: Current month

Il Foglio

Microfilms: 1999-2002.
Printed version: Current month

Il Giornale

Microfilms: 1995-2002.
Printed version: Current month


Microfilms: 1991-1994.


Microfilms: 1991-1994.
Online - Nexis Uni: since 09/06/2004


Microfilm: 1992-1993; 1995-2002.

Il Manifesto

Microfilms: 1971-2002.
Printed version: Current month

Il Mattino di Padova

Printed version: Current month

L'Osservatore Romano

Microfilms: 1948-1979; 1987-2002.

La Padania

Microfilms: 1997-2002.

Il Popolo: quotidiano della DC

Microfilms: 1994-2002.

La Repubblica

Microfilm: 1976-2002.
Online: since 01/01/1984
Printed version: Current month

Il Secolo d'Italia

Microfilms: 1999-2002.

Il Sole 24Ore

Microfilm: 1980-1998
Online - Sole 24Ore: since 1920 (login with SSO)

La Stampa

Historical archive (free access): from 1867 to February 2006


Microfilms: 1991-1994


Foreign newspapers

Financial Times

Microfilms: 1979-2002.
Online - Nexis Uni: since 02/01/1982 (Access is possible until the newspaper published 30 days earlier)
Printed version: Current month at the Library Ca'Borin

International Herald Tribune

From 15/10/2015 International New York Times; from 12/10/2016 New York Times - International Edition -1991-2000.
Online - Nexis Uni: since 01/07/1991 (Access is possible until the newspaper published a days earlier)

Le Monde

Microfilms: 1956; 1961-2002.

Le Monde diplomatique (French)

Microfilm: 1980-2004.
Online - Nexis Uni: since 01/01/2010

New York Times

Online - Nexis Uni: since 01/06/1980
Free Online Access: from 1851 to 1922; and since 1987

El Pais

Online - Nexis Uni: since 19/04/1996 (Access is possible until the newspaper published a days earlier)

The Times

Microfilm: 1957; 1979-1986; 1989-2000.
Online - Nexis Uni since 01/07/1985

Times Literary Supplement

Microfilms: 1980-1987; 1990.

The Wall Street Journal

Microfilms: 1998-2002.