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University Library System
University Library System

Bibliometric reference consulting

What is

The "Vincenzo Pinali" Library offers Bibliometric Consulting Services to support activities related to research quality evaluation, specifically for:

  • VQR (the section related to scientific production)
  • Open access and copyright licenses
  • Bibliometric reports

The library staff will provide instructions on how to use tools dedicated to measuring the impact of research activities on major analytical platforms such as Web of Science (WoS), Journal Citation Reports, and Scopus.


What we do

We provide:

  • support to faculty and research staff in the proper use of citation databases and key analytical tools for impact and productivity;
  • information on the development of bibliometric reports aimed at impact and productivity analysis of publications;
  • verification of the correctness of records in Web of Science or Scopus databases;
  • instructions for checking and managing the author profile to identify and resolve any homonyms that cause problems in counting citations in publications.


Who the Service Is For 

The service is available to faculty and research staff of the School of Medicine involved in the research quality evaluation process (VQR)

  • Faculty members
  • Research staff