Library holdings
The Biblioteca di Scienze dell'Antichità Arte Musica Liviano hosts one of the most comprehensive collections in the field in Italy, which is constantly growing and being updated.
The holdings include around 150,000 monographs (books and eBooks) and more than 1300 print and electronic journals in the following subject areas:
- Ancient History
- Archaeology
- Art
- Byzantine and Neo-Greek
- Greek
- Latin
- Music
The printed and electronic holdings are catalogued and searchable via GalileoDiscovery.
See the shelf location list and find out more about consulting the books
Special Collections
The special collections held in the Liviano Library include ancient and valuable books, printed music, opera librettos, musical sound recordings, photographs, prints and maps. Some special collections have been digitised and made accessible on the Phaidra – Digital Collections digital library.