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University Library System
University Library System

Training courses

The library organizes periodic workshops on bibliographic research and management of bibliographies. They are free and designed for all students, but especially for last year ones.
The number of places is limited: a registration is required within 24 hours before the course starts. The workshops may be held alternately in the classroom and via Zoom: to choose the exact and desired edition, you need to consult carefully the course calendar.

For urgent needs it is possible to use the Reference service in person or via Zoom; reservation is required via email to, taking care to indicate the topic of interest.


How to register for the workshop


Content of the workshops

Bibliographic resources and library services for study and research (2 hours)

It gives some tips on how to formulate a research question and how to focus the keywords that describe it; it describes the information sources, with the purpose of training students to distinguish the most reliable and relevant ones; it explains the main research tools made available by the University Library System (GalileoDiscovery and databases), comparing them with the main search engines; it shows some effective search strategies and the services guaranteed by the Library.

Bibliographic citations and bibliography management using Zotero (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Through a practical approach, you will be taught to use Zotero, a software program which allows you to collect, save and organize the bibliographic citations of the consulted books or articles, to automatically insert them in a note while typing a text and to obtain the final bibliography with a simple click.
This workshop is provided with the same methods and contents by all the University Libraries. In case of urgency, we suggest taking into consideration the dates proposed by libraries of other disciplinary fields.

Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies

Students of the first cycle degree course can participate in this dedicated workshop, which is part of the internship activities. Specific instructions are sent to students by their representatives or by the President of the Study Course.
At the end of the workshop, participants can obtain an Open Badge.



Online courses and tutorials

The Library System also offers useful e-learning resources and activities.

Moodle SBA

The Moodle platform of the University Library System hosts various courses, tutorials and short guides on bibliographic research, Library System services, scientific communication and open science and much more. Choose the activity that best meets your needs and become a specialist in efficient bibliographic research!

Mediaspace SBA

The Mediaspace portal of the University Library System collects videos produced by libraries to raise awareness of their services and available tools. The organization of channels highlights the available topics: tutorials on GalileoDiscovery, plagiarism, events hosted in the library, scientific communication and Open Science.